Contact Us
Thank you for visiting my website. I’m glad you’re here. As a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I understand the profound impact trauma can have on one’s life. My journey has been filled with challenges, but it has also led to a deep commitment to raising awareness and advocating for change.
In my book, I share my personal story—one that reveals the shocking ways my trauma affected my life. My hope is that by sharing my experiences, I can not only shed light on the struggles faced by survivors but also inspire change, such as the elimination of statutes of limitations, so that survivors can seek justice without time constraints.
If you have questions, need support, or simply want to share your thoughts, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I believe in the power of connection and community, and I’m here to listen. Together, we can foster healing and create a more supportive environment for all survivors.
You can contact me through the form below, or reach out directly via email at [ look forward to hearing from you.